Xmas Poker

  • Description
    • Introduced in the 1970's, video poker is an increasingly popular form of gambling. Played fast while involving a combination of skill and luck, video poker attracts players by providing hours of stimulating entertainment.
  • Instructions
    • To initiate play, you decide on the number of coins you are going to play and insert your money. Once you make your bet you push the deal button. As your five cards are dealt you decide which cards that you would like to keep by pushing the hold button associated with that card.

      After making your selections, double check to ensure that every card you would like to keep has the word hold either above or below it. You then press the draw button and every card that you have chosen to discard (not hold) will be replaced with another card from the deck.

      Instead of beating an opponent's hand, you win when you hold any of the five-card combinations listed in the hierarchy of winning hands. If your resulting hand holds a winning combination you will be credited according to the payout schedule on the face of the machine.

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